War for
Oil? ...
Vote for Peace!
Public letter to
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, United Nations. |
The original letter to Kofi Annan ...

Wolfgang Rehfus
October 2nd. 2004 |
Please - Vote for Peace!
The Current Necessity for Oil
The Ultimate Objective in Iraq
An Energy Independent America
>>> Get involved now - before it is
too late! |
Peace |
Is the November 2nd election day a choice between war or peace? |
Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan
Many people around
the world are deeply concerned regarding world peace after November 2nd,
2004. 1)
We urge the United
Nations to call upon all nations to respect democratic decisions by the
United Nations and to renounce from so-called pre-emptive military force.
We call upon all
American Citizens to vote – Please vote for Peace. 2)
George W. Bush ("We
see America's character in our military.") and Richard Cheney
quite openly announced
to start additional wars and to further ignore democratic decisions by
the United Nations (Republican National Convention, New York, September
2004). 1)
1) "We see America's character in our military, which finds a way
or makes one.", George W. Bush at the 2004 Republican National Convention
(New York, September 3rd, 2004)
Swiss TV news video (September 2nd, 2004) "Cheney
zementierte Präsident Bush's Doktrin, dass die USA sich mit militärischen
Präventivschlägen verteidigen würden, ohne die Vereinten Nationen um
Erlaubnis zu fragen.",
compare: "Lessons
of Iraq war underscore importance of UN Charter", Kofi Annan, UN,
September 16, 2004; video
"UN Secretary-General says US-led invasion of Iraq was illegal.",
September 16, 2004
2) Visit
www.overseasvote2004.com to get all the
information you need and even fill out absentee ballot forms online. |
Necessity |
Are we fighting a war against terror or a
war for oil?
What the
Bush-Cheney administration didn't tell in New York, was published by the
Center for Defense Information (CDI, Washington, DC) in the CDI paper
"Terror and Oil in Central Asia" (June 13, 2002):
"The <Oil> gap
between what the United States produces and what it consumes is expected to
grow. Oil reserves on U.S. territory are
increasingly scarce while consumption is expected to grow by as much as 25
percent over the next 20 years, necessitating the search for additional
foreign sources of oil."
It is well known
for years that no relevant new sources of oil and gas exist world-wide.
In the context of
the CDI paper, the phrase
"necessitating the search for
additional foreign sources of oil" can
only lead to
"necessitating wars for oil".
The facts presented by the CDI paper suggest much more
that we are in a war for oil than in a war against terror – but one might be
used for the other. 5)
The CDI paper, published in 2002 – after the war in
Afghanistan – already points out the potential of oil reserves in Iraq:
"However, much
of the increase in <Oil> imports will come from the Middle East, which is
home to a lion’s share of the world’s proven oil
reserves. ... Saudi Arabia leads with 25 percent of the world’s proven
reserves, followed by Iraq with 11 percent,
Kuwait, the United Arab
Emirates and Iran each with 9 percent."
The CDI paper also
informs of the background for the war in Afghanistan and the documentary
"Fahrenheit 9/11" quoted that the agreement for the long-delayed US$ 3.2
Billion natural gas pipeline was finally signed just after the war in
Afghanistan ("Afghan Leaders Sign US$ 3.2 Billion Pipeline Deal," Associated
Press, December 27, 2002): 6)
"The addition of
Caspian oil could weaken the OPEC monopoly, providing greater leverage over
the pricing policies of Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries, ultimately
contributing to lower world oil prices. ... Moreover, American firms are
among the world’s largest oil producers, and their interests in developing
and exporting Caspian energy resources neatly coincide with the U.S. desire
to add to the world’s sources of oil." 3) |
3) Terror
and Oil in Central Asia
"Oil reserves on U.S. territory are increasingly scarce
while consumption is expected to grow by as much as 25 percent over the next
20 years, necessitating the search for additional foreign sources of oil.
... Oil is no doubt a part of the puzzle that is the U.S. policy.",
CDI - Center
for Defense Information, USA, June 13, 2002
"the International Energy Agency predicts that by 2030, "global energy
consumption will increase 66 percent",
"Renewable energy sources offer global chance to shed fossil fuels", The
Japan Times, July 8th, 2004
"The Coming Global Oil Crisis - Wake up! We are here: Peak Oil",
"An energy transition to a solar-hydrogen economy is not only environmentally
necessary, but economically logical.",
World Watch Institute (USA)
War For Oil or Peace Through The Sun, Dr. Franz Alt, 2001,
published by Riemann-Verlag / Bertelsmann Gruppe,
ISBN 3-570-50032-2
Fahrenheit 9/11 - the
temperature where freedom burns,
9/11: "Afghanistan signed the agreement to build a pipeline through its
country carrying natural gas from the Caspian Sea."
Source: "The framework agreement defines legal mechanisms for setting up a
consortium to build and operate the long-delayed US$3.2-billion natural gas
pipeline, known as the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, which would carry gas
from energy-rich Turkmenistan to Pakistan. It would be one of the first
major investment projects in Afghanistan in decades."
Baglia Bukharbayeva
"Pakistani, Turkmen, Afghan Leaders Sign US$3.2 Billion Pipeline Deal,"
Associated Press, December 27, 2002. (Factual
Back-Up for Fahrenheit 9/11: Section Six),
www.MichaelMoore.com, 2004
See also the documentary
ON IRAQ, "... an in-depth look at the distortion of intelligence and the 'spin and hype' created by the White House to justify going to war in
Iraq.", The Daily Star, May 20,
2004; "The film by Robert Greenwald was
originally funded, in part, by
MoveOn.org - Democracy in
Action", The
Hollywood Reporter, May
2004 |
Objective |
Is oil the ultimate objective in Iraq? |
Despite all these
facts, the CDI paper still tries to show that we are not in a war for oil.
The paper concludes:
"Oil is no doubt
a part of the puzzle that is the U.S. policy toward Central Asia – but by no
means the only, or even the most important part." 3)
Today – after the
war in Iraq – we can better conclude what was already described by the
Center for Defense Information in 2002:
Oil is no doubt the U.S.
policy towards Iraq.
The Polish Foreign Minister explained it frank and
honest. "The Polish Foreign Minister, Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, said his
country had never disguised the fact that it sought direct access to the
"We have never
hidden our desire for Polish oil companies to finally have access to sources
of commodities," Mr Cimoszewicz told the
Polish PAP news agency. Access to the oilfields "is our ultimate
objective," he added. (Poland seeks Iraqi oil stake, BBC News,
July 3rd, 2003) 7)
Poland seeks Iraqi oil stake, "Poland, which has sent troops to support
the US-led forces in Iraq, has acknowledged its
'ultimate objective' is to acquire supplies of Iraqi oil.",
BBC News, July 7th, 2003
Additional notes:
Analysis: Is Iran next for US military?, BBC News, January 17th, 2005
"Iran keine unmittelbare atomare Bedrohung",
Lauschangriff auf IAEA-Chef El Baradei, FTD, 12.12.2004 (Kopie
"gegenüber dem iranischen Atomprogramm eine zu nachsichtige Haltung ... die
dürftigen Geheimdiensterkenntnisse der USA über Massenvernichtungswaffen im
Irak kritisiert",
US-Regierung wollte al-Baradei mittels Lauschangriff aus dem Amt drängen
, SPIEGEL, 12.12.2004 (Kopie
"In the New Yorker magazine, Hersh says intelligence
officials have revealed that
Iran is the Bush
administration's "next strategic target".
US special forces 'inside Iran', BBC News, January 17th, 2005
) |
Solution |
Does an energy independent America provide opportunities to Economy, Security, Independence, Ecology
and does it enable Peace?
The coming energy revolution,
"This (solar) technology is the future... If we do not switch to green
energy, then our whole future as a human race is in jeopardy, or even more
simply, we are doomed.", Peter Hain, Secretary of State for Wales. July 2,
"Investment and production incentives are some of the policies that
have already led to dramatic growth in renewable energy markets in a handful
of countries such as Germany and Japan.", Dr. Janet L. Sawin,
Worldwatch Institute (USA),
April 28,
2003 |
The so-called
necessity and "the search for additional foreign sources of oil" with the
resulting wars for oil can be replaced by already existing and save
technologies to harness the
peaceful renewable energies:
Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass/gas, Geothermal.
By exporting these technologies we can also help other
countries to develop their economy, build their energy supply and to
stabilize their social societies.
This is a peaceful solution to major world problems and
the best protection against terrorism.
"An Energy Independent America"
provides significant
opportunities to
our Security,
our Independence,
our Ecology
and does enable Peace.
This public letter is
published on www.SolarPeace.org with links to all quotes and further
Dear Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan, we ask you to inform the
world public and to call upon all nations to respect democracy and to act
peacefully for peace.
Yours Respectfully
"An Energy
Independent America",
"The Kerry-Edwards plan will increase energy conservation and create clean, renewable sources of energy that no terrorist can sabotage and no foreign
government can seize. Their plan will also save billions by cutting waste
and pork-barrel spending in Washington. Under the Kerry-Edwards plan, we will
strengthen our national security while growing our economy and
protecting our environment.", John Kerry, 2004
Renewable energy sources offer global chance to shed fossil fuels,
the U.S. does not bring its own energy juggernaut under control, then
unprecedented international cooperation will be required for the world
community to set a new and saner course. ...
President George W. Bush has already proved himself wedded to U.S. and Saudi
oil interests, meaning his administration will never seriously promote
alternative energies. ...
And government action is
key .. in markets dominated by mature, heavily subsidized fossil fuel and
nuclear power.",
The Japan Times, July 8th, 2004
World Watch Institute (USA): "An energy transition to a solar-hydrogen
economy is not only environmentally necessary, but economically logical." |
PS ... |
Get involved now - before
it is too late!
Please circulate this information via E-Mail, SMS, paper copies, phone
Please download the file to
create your own letter.
Add names, addresses and signatures on the back and mail
with Fast Post.
You are most effective, by sending the letter as a
Registered Letter,
addressed personally
Secretary-General Kofi
A. Annan
UN Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY 10017, USA
In addition you can
send a copy to TV stations and news papers.
Click here to create your own letter ...
Editable letter formatted on
2 pages - MS Word file.
Click here to print and copy the prepared letter ...
Full text formatted on 1 page -
PDF file.

Thank You! |
to the UN:
Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan
Overseas Voter
Are you a U.S. citizen, or do you know any Americans that might need
overseas voter registration information?
www.overseasvote2004.com to get all the
information you need and even fill out absentee ballot forms online. |