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Swiss government seeks more activity - more radioactivity!

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Wolfgang Rehfus


 ●  The «new energy policy» of the Swiss government

 ●  1. Information gap:  Fossil-nuclear reserves of raw materials

 ●  2. Information gap:  CO2 and radioactivity

 ●  3. Information gap:  Supply security

 ●  Build-up of a future oriented power supply

 ●  Order natural power (oeko power) ...

 ●  PS ...

Energy policy




The government is not committed to the short term interests of individual lobbyists, but to the long-term well-being of the entire population.

vgl. Dossier: Die AKW-Diskussion, Tagesanzeiger


The «new energy policy» of the Swiss government

The The Swiss government seeks more activity - more radioactivity generated by new nuclear power plants!  The government issued this as its «new energy policy» on 21.2.2007 and promised once again action plans for energy efficiency and renewable energies for end of the year. 1)

The Austrian Federal Ministry for foreign affairs responded on the same day to

We are convinced that nuclear energy is not a sustainable solution to the challenges of climate protection and power supply in Europe.  Austria is aware of the possibilities and importance presented by renewable energy sources.« 2)


1) vgl. Bundesrat beschliesst neue Energiepolitik, Bundesbehörden der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft 21.2.2007 (Copy )

vgl. Gemischte Reaktionen auf die Energiepolitik des Bundes, NZZ, 22.2.2007 (Copy )

vgl. Die mächtige Atomlobby verblüfft ihre Gegner, Tagesanzeiger, 13.2.2007 (Copy )

vgl. Hier irrt die Atomlobby! ... Keine Stromlücke ... Potential für Solar- und Windstrom in der Schweiz ... etc. , Trinationaler Atomschutzverband, TRAS, 15.2.2007

vgl. Mehr Atomstrom kann Klimakatastrophe nicht stoppen, Ottmar Edenhofer (UN-Klimabericht Mitautor, Potsdam-Institut) und Prof. H. Weiger (Bund Naturschutz in Bayern), 26.02.2007

2) The reply from Austria regarding nuclear power and renewable energies , Austrian Federal Ministry for foreign affairs, 21.2.2007, in reply to Weltrekord durch Solarenergie - Erste Atlantiküberquerung mit Solarstrom (Photovoltaik),, 2.2.2007; see also Öl & Gas oder Uran? ... CO2 oder Radioaktivität? ... Erneuerbare Energien?,, 12.2.2007




The Swiss government wants to waste billions pursuing the risky nuclear dead end strategy.


1. Information gap:

Fossil-nuclear reserves of raw materials

In its media release dated 21.2.2007 the Swiss government deceives the public by referring only to the uncertain oil and natural gas supply due to the dependence on foreign countries and the limited fossil fuel reserves and at the same time fails to mention that also the supply with uranium (the fuel for nuclear energy) depends completely on foreign countries and limited reserves. 1)

According to IAEA there is a sufficient uranium supply for 20 to 60 years. 3) »The well-known reserves can supply the existing power station park [world-wide 440 nuclear power plants] for approximately 30 years. If we would aim to generate a 40% share of world-wide primary energy with nuclear power plants, total uranium supplies would be exhausted within ten years.« 4)

»In contrast to fossil energy raw materials, consumption of uranium outplaces production levels since several years.« 5)

A day later, on 22.2.2007, federal authorities of Switzerland informed via a press release issued by EMPA, the Swiss federal material testing and research institute, during the international symposium «Hydrogen & Energy»:

»Hydrogen is a 'clean' source of energy and indeed has the potential to change our power supply substantially in a few decades. ... For this [the production of hydrogen] renewable energy sources are to supply the energy.« and justifies the urgency not only with CO2. »Additionally, fossil energy reserves - including uranium - will start to decline in few years.« 6)

3) vgl. Reichweite Uran: 20 bis 65 Jahre, Den Atomkraftwerken geht bald der Brennstoff aus!, IAEA, OECD/NEA, 1999; IPPNW, 02.12.2005

4) Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH, LBST, Rubrik 'Uran', 2006

vgl. "Nur 3,3% der weltweit verbrauchten Energie stammen aus den 440 Atomkraftwerken", Internationale Energieagentur in Paris, IEA, 01.07.2005; vgl. auch Die Träume der Atomlobby, Dr. Franz Alt, 2004

5) Energiestudie 2005: Kernbrennstoffe, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), 2003

6) Rasches Handeln nötig, um «Wasserstoffgesellschaft» zu verwirklichen, Bundesbehörden der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft 22.2.2007 (Copy )

vgl. auch Versorgungslücke und Prognosen (Erdöl, Erdgas, Uran)" in der Studie "Chancen für unsere Zukunft",, 14.11.2003





2 is converted by natural processes of the plants into biomass.

Too much CO2 can lead to a climate collapse.

There is no possibility to destroy radioactivity.

2. Information gap:

CO2 and radioactivity

Secondly the Swiss government deceives the public, by referring to the CO2 emissions of oil and natural gas as well as to the problems of the global climate change - but at the same time completely omitting the risk presented by nuclear power plants. 1)

»The quantity of radioactivity, which is present in a reactor, is larger than the quantity of radioactivity spread by a nuclear bomb
- significantly larger
.« (Professor Dr. C F. von Weizsäcker, nuclear physicist) 7)

Each new nuclear power plant (European pressuri
sed water reactor EPR with 1600 MW) produces substantially more radioactivity than 1000 nuclear bombs of the size of Hiroshima - per year! 8)

Technical and human failure, terrorism or natural catastrophes can lead to the release of this radioactivity and destroy the whole country, making it uninhabitable for thousands of years.  Since with such risks the probability of entrance is completely irrelevant, this risk is covered world-wide by no insurance - otherwise nuclear power would cost 5.00 CHF/kWh! 9)

»What do you prefer: To save energy and use solar power, resulting in fewer cancer patients as well as genetic disorders, or to use nuclear power?« (Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Bechert, nuclear physicist) 7)


7) Atomkraftwerke und Jod-Tabletten: "Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ...",, 12.11.2004

"Ärztliches Memorandum zur industriellen Nutzung der Atomenergie", Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a.

vgl. Atomenergie und Gesundheit, Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V. (IPPNW)

vgl. Atomenergie kann das Weltklima nicht retten, GLOBAL2000, 14.04.2006

8) vgl. Ein neues Atomkraftwerk für die Schweiz?, »For two EPR reactors à 1600 MW this is the radioactivity of 3200 Hiroshima bombs per year.«, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) e.V., 21.2.2007

see »A reactor in one day produces as much radioactivity as a 50-kt nuclear explosion.«, Prof. Dr. Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist), «Can the World Do Without Nuclear Power? Can the World Live With Nuclear Power?», Nuclear Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (see copy page 5

Note: this corresponds to annually 1460 Hiroshima Atombomben à 12.5 kt (Copy
), International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW, 1985 Nobel Peace Prize)

9) "Atomstrom würde 5 CHF/kWh kosten ...", Atompläne: Unverantwortlich und kurzsichtig, Greenpeace, 24.5.2005

vgl. AKW sollen für 500 Milliarden haften, Tagesanzeiger, 24.2.2007 (Copy )

vgl. Inefffizienz, Marktverzerrung und 4'300 Milliarden Franken Risikokosten durch Atomenergie.
in der Studie "Verbesserte Deckung des Nuklearrisikos - zu welchen Bedingungen?", Bundesamt für Energie (Dezember 2000)

vgl. Super-GAU-Risiko in Europa: 16%, Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V. (IPPNW), 2005, vgl. Poster im "Nuclear Power Fact File""Nuclear Power Fact File"

vgl. Störfälle in europäischen Atomanlagen, ... in deutschen Atomanlagen... in internationalen Atomanlagen, Enzyklopädie Wikipedia

Supply security



In the North and Baltic Sea wind farms with a capacity of more than "100 Goesgen" (Swiss nuclear power plant) are being developed. 10)




Moritz Leuenberger (member of the Swiss government):

»We could avoid this [power] gap, if we would invest with all means into the two other elements [promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency]."

SF1 ARENA, 23.02.2007

3. Information gap:

Supply security

Thirdly the Swiss government leads the public to believe that because of long-term import contracts coming to an end and limited life span of nuclear power plants a »remaining gap in power supply« looms after the year 2020 despite increased efficiency measures and the development of water power as well as other renewable energy sources - at the same time authorities fail to state that »Switzerland is fully integrated in the open European power market from 2008«. 10)

To close a possible »remaining gap in power supply« nuclear power plants are completely oversized and unnecessary, given that: »In case of power shortages the prices would rise and thousands of foreign suppliers would be ready and willing to export
.« 10)

In fact, with a rapid and purposeful build-up of efficient energy use and renewable energy sources in Switzerland, a »remaining gap in power supply« as forecasted by the government can be prevented today. 11)


10) Die SP fordert Nachhaltigkeit, NZZ, 23.2.2007 (Copy )

vgl. Das Geschwätz von der Stromlücke – Erpressungen funktionieren in einem offenen Markt nicht mehr! , Nationalrat Dr. Rudolf Rechsteiner, 23.2.2007

vgl. Abschnitt Einbezug der Schweiz in den europäischen Strommarkt in "Ein Jahr nach dem Blackout in Italien: das BFE zieht Bilanz", UVEK, 23.9.2004; und Öffnung erfolgt in zwei Etappen, UVEK, 5.4.2006; und Stromversorgungsgesetz unter Dach, swissinfo, 22.3.2007

11) vgl. Hier irrt die Atomlobby! ... Keine Stromlücke ... Potential für Solar- und Windstrom in der Schweiz ... etc. , Trinationaler Atomschutzverband, TRAS, 15.2.2007

vgl. Das Potential von Solarstrom in der Schweiz (30-50%) in »Hat "Fahrenheit 9/11" Konsequenzen für die Schweiz?«,, 30.8.2004

vgl. »Atom- oder Gaskraftwerke?
Beides ist falsch – Erneuerbare obsiegen!«
, Publikation von Nationalrat Dr. Rudolf Rechsteiner, 29.1.2007

vgl. Bundesregierung: 25% Windstrom bis 2030, Bundesumweltministerium Deutschland, 22.02.2007

vgl. Windstrom für 0,00 Cent, Dr. Franz Alt, 10.02.2007

vgl. juwi baut die weltgrößte und günstigste Photovoltaik-Anlage der Welt, juwi GmbH, 10.2.2007

vgl. Deutsche Solarfabriken weiter auf Wachstumskurs, Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft, 31.1.2007

Power supply



It's high time for solid investments in energy efficiency and into the build-up of the renewable energies.


Build-up of a future oriented power supply

While the Swiss government wants to waste billions pursuing the risky nuclear dead end strategy, Austria and other countries invest purposefully in the build-up of a future oriented power supply. For decades the Swiss government failed to implement an obligatory and future oriented energy policy, in order to substantially develop energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. 12)

In this nuclear age, Switzerland should look to energy efficiency and renewable energies as an opportunity for peace (e.g. also in the Iranian nuclear conflict), a stronger economy and new jobs, security without nuclear risk, neutrality and independence, health, ecology and climate! 

As a Swiss citizen I hereby request the government to inform all Swiss regarding the following

a) »
Medical Memorandum for industrial use of Nuclear Energy« 14)

Possibilities and necessity to purchase natural power (oeko power). A rising demand for natural power (oeko power) triggers purposeful investments, providing for an increased supply thus enabling the build-up of a future oriented power supply ( 15)

Finally I respectfully request that the Swiss government corrects its media release dated 21.2.2007 «new energy policy» to include the information mentioned above. For it is the basis of a functioning democracy to provide its constituents with complete and objective information


12) vgl. »Die Zukunft ist erneuerbar! - Atomares Risiko, Entwicklung Europa, Zukunft Schweiz« , Präsentation von Nationalrat Dr. Rudolf Rechsteiner, 14.9.2005

vgl. Energiemix Europa 2050:  100% erneuerbare Energie (LTI Research Team, 1998), Dr. Franz Alt, 5.7.2006

vgl. Ziel 100% Erneuerbare bis 2016, ÖDP München, 06.8.2006

vgl. auch Niedersächsisches Unternehmen reduziert Heizkosten um fast 90%, BUSO Bund Solardach eG, 21.2.2007

13) vgl.
Eine ursächliche Lösung im Atom-Konflikt Iran ist notwendig! , Schreiben von an die Regierungen DE/CH/AT, 4.9.2006; vgl. hierzu das Zitat «Iran will eine nuklearwaffenfreie Zone im Nahen Osten», FAZ, 25.8.2006 (Copy )

vgl. Krieg gegen den Iran verhindern!, Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V. (IPPNW), 19.2.2007

vgl. auch Iranisches Atom-Virus gefährlicher als Vogelgrippe - aber heilbar,, 7.4.2006; und Ursächliche Lösung im Atom-Konflikt Iran - oder Krieg um Öl? im Beitrag Glaubhafte Friedenspolitik erfordert Verzicht auf Atomenergie!,, 24.5.2005

14) vgl.
"Ärztliches Memorandum zur industriellen Nutzung der Atomenergie", Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a.

vgl. Atomkraftwerke und Jod-Tabletten: "Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ...", Kurzfassung zum Ärztlichen Memorandum der Atomenergie,, 12.11.2004

Natural power



Order natural power  (oeko power) ...

With your order of natural power (oeko power) you support that a future-qualified energy supply is rapidly developed...7)

Natural Power is electricity produced by 100% renewable energies (Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass, Geothermal).

Order still today from your electricity supplier a natural power product, which contains also a portion of solar electricity, or change your supplier.


All households using natural power provide a significant contribution to build up a future-qualified energy supply and by this means support peace, economy, security, neutrality and ecology

7) Suppliers of natural power (examples):

Ökostromland Schweiz (alle Anbieter), eine Initiative der Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz (AEE) im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Energie Schweiz

EKZ (Kanton Zürich): Naturstrom azur

EWZ (Stadt Zürich): ewz.ökopower

ADEV Energiegenossenschaft


LichtBlick GmbH

Naturstrom AG

EWS Schönau GmbH

Greenpeace energy eG


Alpen Adria Energie AG

oekostrom AG

see Alle können Ökostrom beziehen - Ganz einfach bestellen ..., Dr. Franz Alt, 31.3.2007

PS ...



Please tell others ...

i the purchase of natural power is a substantial contribution for the building up of a future oriented power supply. A rising demand for natural power produces additional investments into the production of natural power (power, which is produced from 100% sun, water, wind, biomass or geothermal) and increases thereby the offer of natural power.


... Please pass these information via E-Mail, SMS, copied, by telephone or verbally over to business partners, customers, guests, members, colleagues, friends, etc.. 

Cordial thanks

PDF-print versions for passing on  ...

Swiss government seeks more activity - more radioactivity!

Erdöl, Erdgas oder Uran? ... CO2 oder Radioaktivität? ... Erneuerbare Energien?

Packungsbeilage für Atomstrom - Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ...

Iranisches Atom-Virus gefährlicher als Vogelgrippe - aber heilbar ... Ursächliche Lösung im Atom-Konflikt Iran - oder Krieg um Öl?

Vorbild: "U.S. Mission Solar Energy Project"


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Öl & Gas oder Uran? ... CO2 oder Radioaktivität? ... Erneuerbare Energien?


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Switzerland elects new parliament and natural power


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